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    Meet the team



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Jan Arens

Founder / Managing Director


After years of working as an export manager in various international companies, I thought it was time to start my own business.
Helping customers to expand their business by exporting gives me great satisfaction and seeing them succeed in international markets is always my greatest reward.


Let's make it a great story together.

T: +32.9.430.85.69 

M: +32.475.75.32.76


Christian Gombert



Creative brains with both feet on the ground

Problem solver, fast, acting thoughtfully

Strategic thinking

28 years active in industrial markets and different applications

Reliable, realistic and honest approach

No-nonsense communication


T: +32.9.430.85.69



You ?

Our next consultant / Partner ?


Are you our next colleague, or do you want to become a partner?

Drop a mail and lets discuss the opportunities

O: +32.9.430.85.69  


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